
Showing posts from October, 2020

Another week another cat spotting

So this week has been fairly uneventful. I went to classes and did what I was supposed to. I saw the cat again and got closer, but he hissed and so I gave him his space. I thinking quite a bit about carrying cat treats. Will that officially condemn me to the life of a crazy cat woman?  I'm still struggling a bit with anxiety and homesickness (which is stupid as home is literally thirty minutes down the road). I'm doing my best to not let it get to me but I have had a few hard days. I'm also taking another math test this week so please pray for my grades ( like for real prayers are appreciated).  I also discovered the beautiful duck pond at weber state. It's so peaceful and beautiful. I really love just walking around and avoiding direct eye contact with the geese. I mean, have any of you looked a goose directly in the eyes? You will get the immediate feeling that you are about to get mugged by a bird. Other than the evil geese it really is a happy place.  I love you all