Different kinds of falling 10/6/2020

So to start off I'll tell ya'll a story from last week that I forgot to mention in the last email. So recently I have been working on my fitness and part of that is going to the gym every day and running on the treadmill. I have also been trying to do morning pray and scripture reading. So anyway one of the days I go to the gym after waking up. As I'm on the treadmill I realize that I forgot my morning prayer and while still on running the treadmill. I quickly close my eyes and start my prayer. Those endowed with more common sense than me will immediately see the problem with this choice but in typical Rachel fashion,  I didn't. So I run on the treadmill for a few seconds before my unsupervised feet find the part of the treadmill that doesn't move and I spin-off and land flat on my stomach. I lay there for a bit thinking what poor choices lead to this particular incident, then quickly get up and look around to make sure no one else was in the gym. Lucky for me the gym was empty so I said "well amen I guess" and got back on the treadmill. Lesson? Please don't close your eyes if you are not stationary.

Another fun story? One day I was sitting in my room doing a cross-stitch. Suddenly I hear a sound from my living room that sounds like my roommates crying. Quickly I get up to make sure that nobody has died or been severely injured. Instead of tragedy, I find one of my roommates (Khara) holding a bag of goldfish and the other (Anna z.) standing beside her. Both are in tears.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She gave me goldfish." Khara said, tears still flowing down her cheeks.

Suddenly I begin to tear up. Crying I offer both of them hugs, which they excepted and then Anna gave me a bag of goldfish. So ya... me and my roommates sat in our living room together and cried about two bags of goldfish. Is college and adulthood affecting us? Naw we're doing fine.

School is still going pretty well. I got a 96 on my math test which is one of the best grades I have ever got in math. Turns out if you go to class and do the work you get good grades. Who da thought. I'm also doing well in my Anatomy and Human development. 

Also, I have finally found my one true love. It was a brief moment, just a glance but I really think this might be the one. He was so beautiful and majestic and I already want to see him again. Who you ask?  Well as backgroud I must tell you that at weber state they have several campus cats. These cats supposedly wander around the campus and as such my kitty starved soul has been searching high and low for these elusive creatures. I had started to lose hope but finally, I saw him. My love. The cat was a beautiful fluffy gray. I followed him for a good three or four minutes making the sounds you make when you want to befriend a cat. He ran into the bushes to get away from me but I did get a picture and I hope that one day our paths will again be cross.

Lastly, I got to listen to General Conference this week with my family. The biggest take away I got from conference is that life is going to be hard. We are going to struggle and have very bad days. There will be times where feels god is distant from us. We will have times where we are doing everything right but still, life is hard. Despite these deep chasms, we will pass through god will be with us. As is his way, he will not show himself until after we have shown faith in our darkest times. Only then will god reveal the true meaning behind our suffering. As long as you continue to do what God wills and try your best to be like his son he will bless you. It may not be the blessing you wanted but it will be the one you needed.

I love you all and I hope you also had a good week.

Day 3 (Inktober)

The cat I had the privilege of seeing. IF YOU ARE OUT THERE KITTIE I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL PET YOU!

My reward for myself after I got a 96 in my math test. Yes, thats hot coco and yes that brownie was to die for. 

Day 2 

Caramel apples with my roommates.

Me on the bus ride home avoiding eye contact and conversation. The best part of the bus ride is people watching and seeing all the weirdoes. 

Day 4

Conference and Cross-stitch

Day 5 of inktober (Inktober is an art challenge where you use only inks to make art and you make one each day of October)

When I come home rocky will just spread himself across me and my bed and won't sleep unless he's with me. Flattering? Yes. Is he much too big to snuggle? Still yes.

The cross-stitch I have been working on.


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