The come back Sun, Nov 10, 2019, 6:36 PM

 I'm so sorry I have not written in so long. I have been struggling quite a bit lately but I am determined to get back on the horse. School is still going really well. I'm going to all my classes and working my tail off. I am so excited for the end of the semester and am ignoring the fact that finals are happening. Please pray for my sanity.

Good things that happened this week? first off I got all my roommates to cry again. How? Well, I casually asked Anna Z. what she was thinking about her major. Was she still considering nursing? And she talked about how she said that she was not so sure because she is aware of how hard it must be to lose a patient. Me, being a CNA who always wants to talk about it, talked about my experience with that very thing and how you learn to take comfort in doing the service for your patients even if you cant save them. Anyway, I went into a long speech about patients and losing them and when I looked up both Anna Z. and Khara were crying. So I hugged them and laughed. We really are very emotional in this apartment.

Also, my sweet roommates took me to lunch for my birthday. Anna Z. also took me to barns and noble and city creek. We didn't get a whole lot but we had a lot of fun running around. I really love my roommates! 
I also got to go on a sewing retreat with my mom, sister, and grandma. It was the best. We sewed a bunch of quilts and I started to make stockings for my roommates. 

Life is a little rough right now but I will continue to strive to find happiness and purpose. God loves me and is going to carry me through this rough patch. I love you all so much and each prayer is appreciated and needed.

The last two picks are from Halloween night. Me and my roommates watched corpse bride and hocus pocus. We also bought just about every food on planet. Then left a bowl full of candies for passing dorm mates. 


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